The Carbone Lab visits the Gibbon Conservation Center
April 2018, Santa Clarita (CA)
Snowshoeing at Trillium lake (December 2017)
NW Sarcoma foundation Dragon slayer
(September 2017)
Nathan’s Graduation party (9/8/17)
Nature paper party
Wildlife Safari Visit
- In front of the white cheeked gibbons
- White cheeked gibbons
- White cheeked gibbons
- White handed gibbons
- Cougar
- Ring tailed lemur bachelor troupe
- Emu
Lab Gatherings
- Lab Dinner
- Ping Pong Battle – Lucia
- Ping Pong Battle – Nate
- Foozball – Liz
- Foozball – Chris
- Campus Picnic
- Campus Picnic – Travis
- Campus Picnic – Nate
- Liz’s Going Away Party
- Liz’s Going Away
- Liz’s Going Away
- Liz’s Going Away
The Barrel – Carbone, Ferguson and Vinson Labs